TL;DR for 'Install development version on Linux'
There are three sensible ways of installing SWI-Prolog on MacOS X, in increasing order of complexity: Download the SWI-Prolog application. In this case, you just download a disk image, open it, and drag the application to your disk (e.g. To your Applications folder. You use the application as any other application by double-clicking on its icon.
With bash
Building is done using cmake, and it uses ninja-build to compute dependencies and build.
, for example apt
must have been installed (on Fedora: `dnf install ninja-build`)Suppose we want to install SWIPL into this directory:
You can also install it somewhere in your home directory, or at some other place, it's up to you. If you install it in your home directory, there is no need to change to user root
As root:
You may want to prepare the installation directory:
As non-root, in your home directory
By default the system configures all features. In particular, GMP, ODBC, JPL, graphics.
Soon you will see:
Then actually compile and run the tests:
(Note that if you want to compile the Prolog-Java bridge 'JPL', you will have to have a discoverable JDK on the system; for testing you will need the hamcrest jar and junit jar but this is going too far now)
Then, install as root:
To make sure SWI-Prolog is found on-PATH, add the following script as '' to `/etc/profile.d/` (this should work but may depend on the system) :
And create the symlink corresponding to `/usr/local/logic/swipl`, linking to `/usr/local/logic/swipl/swiplexe_8.3.7` or similar. As user root
Check using tree
Drop root privileges. As non-root:
Here is a little bash script I use to set up a some SWIPL versions I used for development. It's too complex for general use, but it's all-in-one and rather foolproof:
It will ask you before letting loose:
Not that to compile & test JPL; the Java-Prolog bridge, you need to have a valid Java JDK on your system and the above script needs to find the jars for hamcrest and junit in a directory called jars
at the same level as the directory into which the SWI-Prolog distribution is cloned:
You get those jars from